Sunday 27 March 2011

Monday 14 March 2011

petal change

Looking alot better than my first flower.

Sorry that this post is a bit late, due to a problem with the render. Should have been posted on 13.03.11 sorry for any inconvenience

Saturday 5 March 2011


3ds max Rain

My 3ds max rain still needs a lot of work! You can see it falling from the sky ok in the programme, just not very well in the render. I have to work on better renders for the rain and I need to make the rain bounce of the floor when it’s landing to make it look more realistic.  

Friday 4 March 2011

Flower 3ds max.

Here are just a few posts on the start of my project and my progress so far.

At the moment I am working on the final design of my flower in 3ds max, following some tutorials and then adapting them with my knowledge of 3ds max, to make them look like the flower I want to design. My next job will be on how to break the flower up into the different stages and then rebuild the animation to make it appear that the flower is growing in a time lapse like sequence